
Tuesday, November 10, 2009



By Shammah Bakir

Mother, beneath whose feet lies paradise. Daughter, who is the mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Sister, who is the honour of the family. Wife, who is the jewel of the home. All these are facades of the great personality known as woman.

The woman who had no worth before Islam. She was buried alive soon after birth, as her arrival signified disgrace and humiliation. Islam gave her respect and greatness. Consequently, as a mother she was presented with a status much higher than that of a father, and has given birth to some of the greatest prophets and saints.

The beloved prophet Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam said, "Oh Muslims, the example of the following four women should suffice for every generation of your women: Hadhrat Maryam Radi Allahu anha (mother of Hadhrat Isa Alai hisallam), Hadhrat Khadja-tal-Kubra Radi Allahu anha, Hadhrat Fatima- al-Zahra Radi Allahu anha , and Hadhrat Asiya Radi Allahu anha (wife of the Pharaoh)." (Tirmidhi)

Let us contemplate the importance of this example. Hadhrat Khadija Radi Allahu anhu was one of the richest amongst the Arabs. Once she married, she sacrificed all her wealth for Islam and for the love of her Husband. She lived a happy life with patience and gratitude.

Then there is Hadhrat Fatima Radi Allahu anha, who whilst she lived in her father's home, she valued her father's love and affection above anything else in the world. After her marriage, her husband's home became everything. She raised her children through sheer struggle and graft, but her tongue never uttered a word of complaint.

The status quo in society is achieved only as a result of woman's faithfulness, modesty and her sacrifices. She maintains a systematic order in the home, and her knowledge and skills can illuminate it. Whilst she grows up in her parental home, she dutifully abides by her parents wishes. Following marriage she transfers this loyalty to her husband. Once she becomes a mother, she becomes the purveyor of abundant love for her offspring.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has entrusted the guardianship of woman to man, initially in the guise of a father, then in the shape of a brother and then as a husband. Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam stated, "A woman is like a flower. Her purpose is not just to serve you. Her time in your home is but one stage of her life. Take care of all her needs. Do not burden her with more than she can manage and do not subject her to hardship or injustice."

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