
Thursday, May 6, 2010

7 Stations of the Nafs-self

7 Stations of the Nafs-self

The Attributes and Names of the Ranks and Stations of the Nafs in its Striving and Elevation

A Translation of a Classic Text by Mahmoud Mostafa

As has been made clear to us previously, there are three primary enemies and causes of destruction and misguidance for humanity:

1. The desires of the ego (Hawa Al Nafs). Also known as the hidden lust. This is the first and most dangerous of the enemies for through its existence the other two enemies exist and without it there is no existence to the inner enemies of the Nafs. This enemy is inside the very essence of the human being, i.e. in his nafs, in the left half and is inspired to transgression (Fujur). It is the opposite of the right side of the soul that is inspired to consciousness (Taqwah).

The transgression of the nafs is contained in its desires and its desires mean its lust for immortality (Me!) and sovereignty (boundless greed and covetousness). This enemy is the main cause of the self-oppression of humanity. This oppression leads to either denial and polytheism or to misguidance, disobedience, and sins. There is no remedy for these two desires except through constantly reminding the nafs of its mortality and the certainty of death.

"Verily, the Nafs commands to harm except for those upon whom my Lord has mercy" (Yusuf-53)

2. The desire for the ornaments of the world (Shahwat Al Dunia). This is the second enemy but it is outside of the human being's essence. It is the weapon of Iblis that he displays before the lustful eyes of the ego's desire. Thus he makes it like a mirror that attracts the nafs and seduces it so that it stirs and moves toward inequity and attachment to its desires and the love of the material world that leads it to drown in the world's false and perishing ocean.

The only remedy for this desire is to become aware and certain of the fleeting nature of this world and of the necessity of losing one's attachment to it. It is to know the world for the temporary abode and place of trial and test that it is. It is to understand that this world is part of a continuum; before it was the abode of the atom (Dar Al Zhar) and after it will come other stages that are the world of the Isthmus (Alam Al Barzakh). The desires of the world are five as explained in the Quran:

"The love of desires has been made beautiful to people; for women, offspring, gold and silver, beautiful horses and cattle, and cultivation." (Al Imran-14)

3. Satan is the third enemy (Shaytan Al Rajeem). He is also external to the human being's essence. His role is to seduce, mislead, and make beautiful all that is false and forbidden and repugnant in this world in order to cause the nafs to become attached to these things through its desires. He has no means other than to embellish and tempt the ego and no weapon except to energize and stir the two inner desires of the ego, the "Me" and "Greed" so that the human being will inflate himself and in turn increase his separation. In this way Satan leads the human being to either denial and polytheism or to disobedience and sins. There is no remedy or prevention for this other than the constant remembrance and seeking refuge in Allah and in putting one's trust in Him.

"Verily, Satan is your enemy so take him as your enemy." (Fatir-6)

The ascent or descent of the Nafs depends on the degree of remedy and protection from these three enemies. So the Nafs either ascends to the station of "…the most beautiful station." Or it may descend to the station of "…the lowest of the low."

The Quran mentions five levels for the human soul. The basic level is the one in which we are born which is called the Blaming Self (Nafs Al Lawwama). If it is neglected and left to its whims and desires it will descend to the station of the Commanding Self (Nafs Al Ammara). And if it is developed and cared for through effort and resistance to its desires it will, God willing, ascend to the highest levels of closeness, contentment, and love for Allah and His Prophet. These higher levels are three, the first one above the Blaming Self is the Secure Self (Nafs Al Muttma'ina), followed by the Content Self (Nafs Al Radiyah), and finally to the Gratified Self (Nafs Al Mardiyyah) and that is the self that reaches its natural place and station which is "…the most beautiful station."

The Gnostics (Arifun) have detailed and explained this matter and made it easy for the Muslim to know it and act upon it thus making immunity and remedy easy. They made the levels seven in number within the scope of the five mentioned in the Quran.

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