
Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Mercy Of Allah( Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)

"The Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallamcame out to us and said:- The angel Jibreelalayhis 'salam has just left my place and he said to me:"O MuhammadSalla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam, by Him who sent you with the truth, there is a servant of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alawho worshiped Him for 500 years on top of a mountain in the sea. The mountain was 30 yards in length and 30 yards in width. The sea was 4000 parasangs(Old Persian measure of length) on each side. AllahSubhanahu wa Ta'ala had given a fresh spring, the width of a finger, which pours fresh tasty water that gathered at the bottom of the mount; and a pomegranate tree that produced each night a pomegranate for him. He would worship his Lord during the day, and in the evening, he would go down to the water, make ablution, and pick a fruit to eat. Then he would rise again to worship his Lord. When his time came close, he asked his Lord to allow him to die while prostrating to Him; and He allowed it. On the day of Resurrection , the Lord says "Take my servant to paradise with My Mercy". But the servant says " O my Lord, but rather with my deeds". Then Allah says "Compare my servant's deeds and My blessings to him". The blessing of sight has covered the worshiping of 500 years; and the blessings of the whole body remains a surplus over him. So the Lord says "Take My servant to Hell". And as he is carried to Hell, he shouts "O my Lord, enter me to paradise with your mercy". The Lord says "Bring him back". As he stands before Him, the Lord says to him "O Slave of Mine, who created you when you did not exist?". He says "U My Lord". The Lord says "And who gave you the strength to worship Me for 500 years?" He says "U My Lord". The Lord says "Who settled you down on a mountain in the middle of the sea, and gave you fresh water and a pomegranate every night- a fruit which comes out once a year!- And who did you request to help you die in prostration, and He did?" He says "U, My Lord". The Lord says "It is all with My Mercy, and with My Mercy again I enter you to paradise. Take My servant to paradise. What an excellent servant you were!! So AllahSubhanahu wa Ta'ala made him enter paradise. Jibreel said "Things are rather with the mercy of AllahSubhanahu wa Ta'ala, O Muhammad.Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam

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