
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Some Major Sins


*Associating partners with Almighty Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
* Disrespecting the Prophets (Ambiya alayhis 'salam) and the Awliya Allah (Saints of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala).

* Disobedience to Parents.

* Murder.

* Taking the property of the orphans and the poor.

* To back-bite and disgrace innocent people.

* To break promises and tell lies.

* To leave out the Faraa'id (Fard) actions.

* To give or take bribery.

* To call a Muslim a Kaafir and to call a Kaafir a Muslim.

* To steal other people's property.

* To give or take interest.

* To rob.

* To gamble.

* To behave like the non-believers or Kuffar.

* To dance, sing and speak indecently.

* To harm neighbours.

* To have pride, anger and jealously.

* To eat or drink Haraam things.

* To deal in fortune-telling.

* To see evil films and programmes on television and in the cinemas, internet etc..

* To visit sinful places such as the gambling houses, casinos, Night Clubs and Discotheques, Bars, race courses and restaurants were alcohol is served.

* To attend shows of film-stars, dancing and singing.

* To attend un-Islamic weddings and other functions where many un-Islamic practices take place.

may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala with the waseela of his beloved habib give us the taufeeq to stay away from all the SINS. ameen

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